Thursday, March 21, 2019

Provo-Orem - A new experience: airbnb

The snow shower we woke up to here in Cedar City is over, and slowly the sky is starting to clear. It was quite a surprise after the warm temperatures of the last few days, but the roiling clouds over the mountains and the strong winds on the way here yesterday were an omen already. Briefly the truck thermometer showed +17 after we left the Diamond Fork area, but the higher we climbed – up to 2,200m on one pass – the colder it got. We'll be in Arizona by this afternoon, and then, for sure, we can put mittens and hats away for a while.

It's hard to believe that we left home only a week ago. We have seen so much interesting country already, slowly moving from winter to spring, and the two hot springs were lovely, especially with snow all around: there was a lot of it this winter, and at these higher elevations it is only now starting to melt.

Two days ago we had an easy drive-only day, not unwelcome after the hike and long drive after to Pocatello, Idaho, the day before. 'Easy' didn't quite apply to the drive through Salt Lake City; that is always a bit stressful because of the huge traffic volume, even at non-rush hour times. We escaped the confines of this busy city unscathed and were glad to leave it behind, together with the worst of the pollution that sits over the valley like an ugly yellowish blanket. Johann had booked a place in Provo-Orem, just south of SLC, and hadn't realized that this 'Spacious & New Guesthouse' was not a hotel but an AirBnB. He had drawn a plan how to get there (we don't have a phone plan for the US and work with motel WiFi and Whatsapp), but not the exact address: the sign would tell us when we were there. We got to the area easily enough, found the two streets between which it was supposed to be located – but nothing to indicate which of the houses in this residential neighbourhood was the right one. Johann still had the information on his phone, thankfully, so it only took a few minutes to get there. Now the next problem arose: there was a doorbell, but nobody answered. Johann walked around the corner of the house and found another door where he was able to summon a man who then showed us the key to the numbered lock, the house and our room. He spoke only Spanish ... 

Once all the initial hindrances were out of the way we could really appreciate the place, a very new, very clean house with five rooms with a well equipped kitchen. The view from our window, although a bit hampered by houses on one side and apartment buildings on the other, still was very nice: Salt Lake only across the University Parkway that ran close by, and the mountains on the other side. To stretch our legs at least a bit we wandered up to the Utah Valley University a bit up the hill, its campus deserted because it is spring break right now. Big trees and generous green spaces, together with the spectacular surroundings with mountains and lake made it look like a very attractive place to study.

Not the worst president to share a bench with!

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