Thursday, March 14, 2024

Siphon Draw/Flatiron hike

On Tuesday morning, the 'Flatiron Day', joints and muscles weren't complaining quite as much anymore. Still, the question of going all the way up was not completely resolved when we started out. There is another option, the one I took the very first time Johann and I did this hike many years ago,  to choose an easier trail after about two thirds of the way to the 'Elephant Head', jutting out below the Flatiron,  omitting the steepest and most strenuous part of the hike.
For me, this was not a question: I knew I would go as far as the basin, close to the bottom of the long slickrock portion. I suspect Johann had made up his mind at the outset already, too: he was going all the way - and since he was, Aaron, hesitant up to our short rest at the basin, was going as well. 
The Flatiron jutting out above me
I sat for a while contemplating my surroundings, marvelled at the fact how the small pool of water near my feet attracted a multitude of all kinds of insects, from bees to flies of all sizes, even in this barrenness, or maybe especially here where water is scarce. I listened to the birdsong in all its amazing variety, watched a few hikers struggle up and down the slickrock portion, and slowly made my way down again. Later, I took a crosstrail close to the base and hiked out a bit to the side, moved up a short draw and sat on the gravel, surrounded by 'hummingbird bushes' (Justicia californica) with their beautiful deep-throated blossoms buzzing with bees. A different buzzing sound caught me by surprise, familiar from our summers. When I looked around I saw that a couple of hummingbirds were sampling the blossoms, too. 

Who might have lived here? A prospector, most likely

After returning to the car for a while I decided to hike up again until I met up with my fellow hikers. It took more than an hour, and I was almost at the point where I didn't want to continue since I was now wearing sandals instead of my hiking boots when I saw them coming around a bend right above me. They had made it, were a bit sore but proud of themselves, justly so. One more year ... We'll see if there will be a next time. 

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