Saturday, November 26, 2022

A beach walk at Costa Rei


It's 7:15 on this windy Saturday morning, and the sun will rise in a few minutes. We've watched sunsets from the rooftop terrace, the sun disappearing between the roofs of two hilltop houses rather than in the ocean at this time of year: days are short here, too, and the sun sets shortly after five pm. We can't see the sun rise from here, but I can see already that it's a bright day, last night's thunderstorm blown over, literally. Wind has been a nearly constant companion on our daily excursions, but we have been very lucky with the weather.

After two hikes on Wednesday and Thursday a bit east of here past Costa Rei we decided on a beach walk at Costa Rei yesterday: for once the morning was absolutely calm. We spent three hours walking along the 10 kilometre long beautiful white sand beach that must be very crowded during high season. Yesterday we encountered only three people, one dog and a few gulls and cormorants. The temperature was a pleasant 20 degrees Celsius, just like the day before, and even though a breeze started up on our way back blowing in towering thunder clouds it was warm enough to walk in shorts and short sleeves. Marietta and Johann even decided on a swim, the clear water about the same temperature as the air.

The drive to Villasimius, a neat village about half an hour from here close to Costa Rei, took us along the rugged coastline on a very curvy road with stunning views around every corner, but on the way back we decided on the faster freeway: the looming clouds made it advisable to get home without delay.

The fierce wind from the middle of the night has given way to a nice breeze, so that nothing should stand in our way to explore Cagliari, Sardinia's capital city, today.

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